Paul chats with Susan Hill
November 13, 2013
I felt very privileged when author Susan Hill tweeted me back, agreeing to do a Q&A session with me. Susan is a ‘classic’ writer, her style of writing so rich and thought provoking. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Susan for giving some of her time to answer my questions.
Paul chats with Dan Wells
August 20, 2013
I discovered my first Dan Wells novel, 'I Am Not A Serial Killer' when visiting a book store in New York - so happy I did - the John Wayne Cleaver trilogy is amazing and I would throughly recommend it! Thanks for spending some time with me Dan - you're a diamond!
Paul chats with Karen Rose
August 10, 2013
Karen Rose is a master of suspense and has created some of the most chilling killers in crime/thriller fiction. So happy Karen agreed to do a Q&A with me - it was a privilege!
Paul chats with Tess Gerritsen
October 20, 2009
The following Q&A with Tess Gerritsen was completed with Tess Gerritesen in Autumn of 2009, after she had finished the installment of her Rizzoli & Isles series, The Killing Place. I was and still am, extremely grateful for Tess agreeing to do this Q&A session with me, so soon after she had finished completing her work - I was lucky to attend a talk and siging of this book in Epsom when Tess visited the UK - a true inspiration! Thank you Tess - I hope there will be a second installment to the Q&A sessions!
January 12, 2015
To start 2015, one of the best British Horror writers agreed to do a Q&A session - so privileged to have Adam on the site - one of the best Q&A sessions I have done with a horror writer - thank you once again Adam for your time! Really appreciate it - enjoy!
Paul chats with Adam Nevill

February 02, 2015
Crossing over the pond, we have a Canadian writer who certainly knows how to get under your skin - Nick Cutter is a new horror writer to definitely keep an eye on. Nick offers an insight into his writing, his 'split personality' and what the future holds for his writing ventures. Thanks for your contribution Nick - greatly appreciated!
Paul chats with Nick Cutter